2020 Men’s Fashion Trends to Bring into 2021

There’s no denying the clearly undeniable fact that the world of fashion can be strange. As a matter of fact, the world of fashion can be downright unknowable for most people who don’t think too much about what they wear. With the things that some people are wearing, they may as well be living on another planet! That said, men’s fashion still has its roots in being as practical as possible while still taking the time to make a statement, which is what makes it something of an enigma in the fashion industry.

After all, you have fashion icons looking to break new ground into the way men and women wear clothes, but when it comes to the former, most guys just want to wear something that won’t make them look too ridiculous while still maintaining comfort and versatility. It is not too much to ask, and most people have more or less mastered the art of dressing the way they want. That said, just because the fashion world is a little strange doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything to learn — quite the opposite actually!

Why Fashion Trends Are So Important

While it might have seemed a little mean to refer to some fashion trends as being alien in design, there is some truth to that — which further puts into the spotlight the importance of men’s fashion. However, it doesn’t mean that there is no use to the craziness of the runway. I would be remiss not to mention some of the most important reasons why fashion is still going so strong to this day. Here are just a few reasons to put into perspective how you might feel about fashion.

  • Clothing trends are pieces of our culture, still absorbed in that era. As much as some people (myself included) get a chuckle out of some of the more unorthodox choices for fashion, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a product of its time. We can learn a lot from the culture and the way people thought about what they were wearing. Looking at some of the biggest trends in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and so on, it’s no wonder why so many of the biggest trends keep coming back. It’s a piece of history that people often want to bring back to the forefront.
  • It breeds creativity and excellence. While restrictions have a tendency of bringing out the most creative side of people, it would be a shame not to mention some of the breakthroughs people have achieved through fashion. There are plenty of people out there whose lives have been changed for the better by the world of fashion, and many who were able to find their voice and express themselves through what they wear.
  • It’s fun. Last but certainly not least, fashion is fun, even if you might not understand completely what you’re doing. Looking for things to wear is fun! Some girls might think that they’re the only ones who have fun shopping for clothes, but that’s far from the truth. Guys tend to have a lot of fun as well, though they look for more practical reasons when it comes to buying clothing. It’s something that comes with the territory, and is undoubtedly a part of men’s fashion in general.

Is Men’s Fashion All That Different from Year to Year?

This is a pretty good question to ask, because some of the most timeless outfits for guys involve wearing a two-piece or three-piece suit. When you think about what the most iconic look for men, it mostly just revolves around the suit, and for good reason. There are few things more practical than a suit, and guys tend to look their best when wearing a suit well-tailored to their dimensions.

One of the most fascinating things about men’s fashion is that no matter how outlandish the overall design, there’s still a practical reason for it. The result is a mix between outlandish and versatile, strange and practical, muted and creative. In a lot of ways, the restrictions put upon men’s fashion brings about some of the best possible trends — not just on the runway but in everyday life.

Are There Trends from 2020 Worth Keeping?

The short answer is undoubtedly yes. Otherwise, what would be the point of writing this? Sometimes, it can just be difficult to figure out men’s fashion because so much of it has to do with personal preference. For something to be trendy outside of the runway, it often involves practical uses related to the year. For example, there was a growing trend in 2020 about using boxer shorts as regular shorts. For most guys staying and working at home, it’s pretty obvious why it became a trend.

However, the interesting thing is that it didn’t just become a trend at home — it also became a trend on the runway. Strange, right? Men’s fashion might have an eye for practicality, but it can still be weird if it wants. In any case, yes, there are trends in 2020 worth plucking and placing right in the middle of 2021. Let’s get started shall we?

The Power of Pinstripes

Starting with one of the classier and more professional looking of the list, this trend involves the pinstripe design. When you think of pinstripe for men’s fashion, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Strangely enough it’s the suit again, right? For a good portion of 2020, the pinstripe design for the suit was making a huge comeback. The interesting part was that the pinstripe design was not relegated only to the suit. Various jackets and pants made use of the same design to achieve some surprising results.

Yes, the pinstripe design also works for boxer shorts. Anyway, it’s an interesting design to go back to, since it evokes a professional air about the individual. You can have fun with the design and use it for a suit, a shirt, or basically anything else you wanted. It’s quite a lot of fun, and is well worth taking into 2021.

The Rugby Shirt Makes a Return

Rugby shirts are basically oversized polo shirts made with a (typically) thicker material that can also be used as a sweater in a pinch. It’s pretty obvious why this trend grew in popularity, as it’s basically a sweater with a collar. People no longer have to wear a sweater over their dress shirt to look classy and casual at the same time — all they have to do is wear a rugby shirt with sleeves and pull off the look without any fanfare.

The best part about the rugby shirt? It comes in a variety of fun designs and vivid colors. Whether colors contrast or are complementary combinations, it doesn’t matter too much to the rugby shirt trend. What matters is that it’s practical to use, and can even make a fantastically warm piece to wear during winter months — all the while keeping athletic due to its sporty roots. Is it a trend worth keeping? Without a doubt, yes.

The Biker Jacket’s Comeback

If there’s one 2020 trend that’s a little odd, it would be the focus on biker jackets. For some reason, the runway couldn’t get enough of it. It was kind of fun though, as it got to showcase biker jackets with a variety of different designs. One would have spikes all over, while another would have a more muted design. Some other biker jackets made homage to old gangs, and others still tried to break new ground.

Is it weird? It most definitely is weird. That said, is it fun? It most definitely is fun. The year 2021 is all about starting anew and making sure that people can get right back up and dust themselves off after such a difficult year. The biker jacket deserves another comeback, since it shows that people are willing to have fun again. Not to mention the fact that if you had a bike to pair with your biker jacket, you’d look brilliant.

The Vest Combination

Now I know we’re talking all about the best possible trend for 2020 to put into 2021, but what about the vest possible combination? All right, I apologize for the pun, but it’s honestly a breath of fresh air to see vests making a comeback again. There are too many people out there who think that vests are for overly formal gatherings, such as alongside the use of a three-piece suit. There’s no need to consider just that combination with the vest, because there are many more ways to wear the thing!

Why not experiment a little? Why not try different designs and contrasting colors? There’s no reason for it to be an extremely formal event just to wear a vest. The runway also had quite a bit of fun with vests, and I think it’s well worth taking back to 2021 to see if guys can pull off the look. That said, if you wanted to make the most out of the vest, going for a suit but ditching the jacket will provide a surprisingly sleek and professional look.

The Use of Knitwear to Prioritize Comfort

You want to know the magic of knitwear? It’s quite easy. For those with grandmothers that would take time to knit a sweater for them, it can be hard to convince them that the particular sweater isn’t one of the greatest possessions in their lifetime. Guys love knitwear because it’s so comfortable, and because (nowadays) it’s so easy to clean. You also don’t have to worry about getting it all wrinkled up, since that’s what knitwear is all about!

The best part of knitwear? It can be a variety of things at once. I’ve seen people rock knitwear belts, knitwear ties, knitwear vests — true, I haven’t seen knitted boxer shorts yet but never say never! The way knitwear just pops is also another excellent part of such a fashion choice. While it might not necessarily be on everyone’s wish list just yet, wait until it reaches wintertime. Suddenly, knitwear is in vogue and everyone will be wearing it.

Leather Trousers

No, I couldn’t necessarily think of anything smart to write down about leather trousers, only that it looks cool. Typically, you’d find leather trousers worn by rockstars, those stereotypical school delinquents, or both! However, in 2020, leather trousers were the talk of the town. The runway made good use of the various designs that made that fashion piece pop. Not to mention, it looks great when paired with the biker jacket.

Are leather trousers all that practical? Not necessarily, but due to all the attention it received last year, there are plenty of faux leather trousers that actually breathe quite well and can be worn comfortably. For those looking to make a fashion statement with leather trousers, now is the perfect time, as you can get the job done without feeling like your legs are on fire!

A Whole New World of Fashion

While it was fun talking about the various fashion trends of 2020 that can be plucked and placed in 2021, it doesn’t quite change the fact that there are likely going to be more than a few unique fashion trends in this new year. It’s an exciting time for sure, as people are slowly but surely shedding the fear of the pandemic and getting used to the idea of staying safe without all of the anxiety. There’s still so much potential for men’s fashion to put out new pieces for 2021 that it’s hard not to be excited. It’s only a matter of time before we see entirely new trends that could potentially change the way we experiment with clothes!